Columbia Town Office

 Municipal / 359 views

The Town of Columbia is a small town in Coos County located in scenic northern New Hampshire. We are bordered on the south by the Town of North Stratford, to the north by the Town of Colebrook, to the east by the unincorporated towns of Dixville and Odell and to the west by the beautiful Connecticut River.

According to the 2010 census, we have a full-time population of 798 people. Columbia consists of approximately 36,000 acres. Around 30,000 acres are enrolled in the State of New Hampshire’s Current Use program, which means that they are undeveloped. The remaining 6,000 acres has mainly single family homes, camps and second homes.  READ MORE

  • Listing ID: 324
Contact details

1679 US Route 3Columbia,NH,03576 Show phone number *****

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